Dr. med. Carl Rudolf Klinkenberg


Dr. Carl R. Klinkenberg specialized in general medicine and homoeopathy
Born 1961
Since 1986 he works as physician and treats patients with severe diseases successfully with homeopathy
1999 Dr. Klinkenberg received the 1st Emil Schlegel Price for his “Guidelines for the Treatment of Cancer”
Dr. Klinkenberg is a frequent speaker worldwide at conferences and seminars. He has been the founder and president of the International Hahnemann Congress in 2007 and president of the International Coethen Exchange of Experience in 2009.
Dr. Klinkenberg is working on the creation of a new primary source repertory based on the original provings. The first step towards it is the compilation of the primary sources of Materia medica. Since 2009 he is researching in depth the work and life of Samuel Hahnemann in Paris.


His publications on basic research, cancer, ADS, psychiatric diseases and the upcoming revision of the Materia medica to name a few, are being published worldwide.

















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