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Scientific Discourses / Dialogforen (DF01 – DF11, KF01-KF02)
Specialist Discourses / Fachforen (FF01 – FF05)
Cases & Case Management / Fälle (CM01 – CM18)
Research in Provings / Cases / Plants (PR01 – PR04)
Research / Forschung (R01-R10)
History / Medizingeschichte (H01)
Teaching / Lehre (T01 – T05)
Politics/Politik (Politics01-02)


Programm nach Themenblöcken

Scientific Discourses / Dialogforen
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 08:45-10:15 DF01 Dialogue: Pediatrics I / Kinderheilkunde I
08:45-09:05 DF01/01 Carmen Sydlik, Germany:
Children and adolescence with Prader Willi Syndrome: Typical issues
Kinder mit Prader-Willi-Syndrom: erkennen, diagnostizieren, therapieren
09:05-09:30 DF01/02 Sigrid Kruse, Germany:
Homeopathy in children with Prader-Willi-Syndrome, a genetic disease
Homöopathie bei Kindern mit der genetischen Erkrankung Prader-Willi-Syndrom
09:30-10:15 DF01/03 Heiner Frei, Switzerland:
Asperger syndrome – a homeopathic challenge
Das Asperger-Syndrom – eine homöopathische Herausforderung
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 10:45-12:15 DF02 Dialogue: Pediatrics II / Kinderheilkunde II
10:45-11:05 DF02/01 Maria Solange Gosik, Brazil:
Homeopathic treatment of autism by children in a psychosocial care center
Homöopathische Behandlung des kindlichen Autismus in einem psychosozialen Zentrum
11:05-11:25 DF02/02 Juergen Ivanis, Austria:
Tips and tricks – Treatment of premature infants in an intensive care unit / neonatology with the aid of homeopathy to prosper vitality and survivability
Tipps und Tricks bei der Behandlung von kritischen Frühgeborenen (< 30. SSW) auf der Intensivstation / Neonatologie und wie wir als Homöopathen die Lebensfunktionen (Über-/Lebenskraft) und das Gedeihen gezielt stärken können
11:25-11:50 DF02/03 Christian Lucae, Germany:
Homeopathy and allergology – from the beginnings until today
Homöopathie in der Allergologie – von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart
11:50-12:15 DF02/04 Mira Dorcsi-Ulrich, Germany:
Allergic diathesis in the medical practice of a homeopathic pediatrician
Allergische Diathese in der Praxis einer homöopathischen Kinderärztin
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 09:00-10:30 DF03 Dialogue: Nephrology / Nephrologie
09:00-09:35 DF03/01 Jens Lutz, Germany:
Possibilities of slowingdown progression and management of chronic kidney diseases
Möglichkeiten der Progressionsverlangsamung chronischer Nierenerkrankungen
09:35-10:10 DF03/02 Alok Pareek, India:
Homoeopathic management of chronic renal failure across in its various stages – case studies
Homöopathisches Management chronischer Niereninsuffizienz in verschiedenen Stadien – Fallstudien
10:10-10:30 Discussion
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 11:00-12:30 DF04 Dialogue: Urology / Urologie
11:00-11:30 DF04/01 Jürgen Pannek, Switzerland:
Diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of urinary tract infections – the urologist`s perspective
Diagnostik, Therapie und Prophylaxe von Harnwegsinfekten – die Perspektive des Urologen
11:30-12:00 DF04/02 Martin Bündner, Germany:
Homoeopathic treatment and prophylaxis of urinary tract infections
Homöopathische Therapie und Prophylaxe von Harnwegsinfekten
12:00-12:15 DF04/03 Kavita Chandak, India:
The efficacy of nosodes in cases of cystitis justifying the therapeutic law of nature
Die Wirksamkeit von Nosoden in Fällen von Zystitis rechtfertigen das therapeutische Gesetz der Natur
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 14:15-15:45 DF05 Dialogue: Epidemics I / Epidemien I
14:15-14:45 DF05/01 André Saine, Canada:
A brief overview of the extraordinary success of homeopathy in epidemics
Ein kurzer Überblick über den außerordentlichen Erfolg der Homöopathie bei Epidemien
14:45-15:00 DF05/02 Stefanie Jahn, Germany:
Validity and significance of historical data in the instance of Spanish Flu
Validität und Aussagekraft historischer Daten am Beispiel der Spanischen Grippe
15:00-15:30 DF05/03 Raj K. Manchanda, India:
Homoeopathy in epidemics – building up evidence
Homöopathie bei Epidemien – Aufbau einer Beweisführung
15:30-15:45 DF05/04 Claudia Wein, Germany:
Clinical studies concerning homoeopathic treatments of epidemics
Studien zur homöopathischen Behandlung von Epidemien
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 16:15-17:45 DF06 Dialogue: Epidemics II / Epidemien II
16:15-16:30 DF06/01 Bishnu Bhakta Kawan, Nepal:
Homeopathy dealing with epidemic diseases after earthquake in Nepal
Homöopathie bei epidemischen Erkrankungen nach Erdbeben in Nepal
16:30-17:00 DF06/02 Mayra Riverón Garrote, Cuba:
Cuban experience in handling epidemics
Kubanische Erfahrung im Umgang mit Epidemien
17:00-17:45 Discussion
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 09:00-10:30 DF07 Dialogue: Pain Therapy / Schmerztherapie
09:00-09:20 DF07/01 Radhika Tonsey, India:
Pain management in varying degrees of deforming forms of seronegative, seropositive arthritis and osteoarthritis with homeopathy
Schmerzbehandlung mit Homöopathie bei deformierenden Formen von seronegativer, seropositiver Arthritis und Osteoarthritis
09:20-09:40 DF07/02 Leena Chhatre, India:
Role of homoeopathy as a palliative treatment in chronic arthritis with deformities
Homöopathie als Palliativbehandlung bei chronischer Arthritis mit Deformitäten
09:40-10:00 DF07/03 Anke Scheer, Germany:
Chronic, non-specific back pain – a „difficult“ disease?
Chronisch unspezifischer Rückenschmerz – eine „schwierige“ Krankheit?
10:00-10:20 DF07/04 Jens D. Rollnik, Germany:
Multimodal pain therapy in the BDH-Clinic Hessisch Oldendorf
Multimodale Schmerztherapie in der BDH-Klinik Hessisch Oldendorf
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 14:15-15:45 DF08 Dialogue: Neurology / Neurologie
14:15-14:45 DF08/01 Annette Prollius, Germany:
Twenty years of MS, under exclusively homeopathic treatment regarding the effect of high potencies in severe acute episodes
Seit zwanzig Jahren MS – Langzeitverlauf unter ausschließlich homöopathischer Behandlung mit besonderer Betrachtung der Wirkung von Höchstpotenzen in schweren akuten Schüben
14:45-15:05 DF08/02 Maria Filomena Mendes, Brazil:
Family diathetic compatibility in patients with multiple sclerosis and neuromyelitis optica
Familiendiathetische Kompatibilität bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose und Neuromyelitis optica
15:05-15:25 DF08/03 Jürgen Pannek, Switzerland:
Lachesis and hamamelis – homeopathic alternatives to surgical treatment
Lachesis und Hamamelis als sanfte Alternative zum scharfen Skalpell
15:25-15:45 DF08/04 Jens D. Rollnik, Germany:
Multiple sclerosis therapy – state of the art
Multiple Sklerose – aktueller Stand der Behandlungsoptionen
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) / Mahlersaal (English) 16.06.2017 08:45-10:30 KF01 Hospitals and Networking I
Weisser Saal (English/Deutsch) 08:45-09:15 KF01/01 Georg Haggenmüller, Germany:
Paradigms of a “Networking in Medical Care”, Part 1
Paradigmen eines „Networking in Medical Care”, Teil 1
Paradigms of a “Networking in Medical Care”, Part 2
Mahler-Saal (English) 10:00-10:30 KF01/03 Klaus von Ammon, Switzerland:
Homeopathic consultations in an university clinic – Inselspital Bern, Switzerland
Mahler-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 14:15-15:45 KF02 Hospitals and Networking II
14:15-14:45 KF02/01 Sigrid Kruse, Germany / Annette Schönauer, Germany:
Which role does homeopathy play in the project „Integrative Pediatrics“ at three children´s hospitals in Germany?
14:45-15:15 KF02/02 Bruno Mey, Germany:
Clinical homoeopathy treating patients with severe pathologies
15:15-15:45 KF02/03 Romeu Carillo Jr, Brazil:
The experience, over thirty-three years in a homeopathic clinic in a large public hospital
Schiller-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 16:00-18:30 KF03 Hospitals and Networking III
16:00-16:30 KF03 Silvi Thelen / Stephan Sprute, Germany / Switzerland:
International internet platform for homeopaths in hospitals
16:30-18:30 Meeting: Homeopathy in hospitals – Networking
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 17.06.2017 08:45-10:15 DF09 Dialogue: Palliative Medicine I / Palliativmedizin I
08:45-09:30 DF09/01 Dario Spinedi, Switzerland:
The homeopathic treatment of palliative-oncological emergencies as basis for the cooperation in allopathic hospitals
Die homöopathische Behandlung von palliativ-onkologischen Notfällen als Grundlage für die Zusammenarbeit in allopathischen Spitälern
09:30-10:15 DF09/02 Jens Wurster, Switzerland:
20 years of experience in the treatment of advanced cancer stages in the Clinica St. Croce
20 Jahre Erfahrung bei der Behandlung von fortgeschrittenen Tumorleiden in der Clinica St. Croce – Palliativbehandlung in der Homöopathie
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 17.06.2017 10:45-12:15 DF10 Dialogue: Palliative Medicine II / Palliativmedizin II
10:45-11:25 DF10/01 Farokh Master, India:
Efficacy of constitutional homoeopathic drugs in the management of advanced cancer – a perspective study
Wirksamkeit von konstitutionellen homöopathischen Arzneimitteln im Management von fortgeschrittenem Krebs – eine perspektivische Studie
11:25-11:45 DF10/03 Nilanjana Basu, India:
A case of bilateral solid renal mass – management by exclusive homoeopathic treatment
Fall einer bilateralen festen Nierenzellmasse – ausschließlich homöopathische Behandlung
11:45-12:15 DF10/04 Irene Dorothee Schlingensiepen, Germany:
Homeopathic add-on treatment to improve rehabilitation and quality of life in oncologic patients following primary treatment. An exemplary case study.
Homöopathische Add-on-Therapie kann die Rehabilitation und Lebensqualität onkologischer Patienten deutlich verbessern – Fallbeispiel
Telemann-Saal (German) 17.06.2017 11:00-12:30 DF11 Dialogue: Interdisziplinäre Fallkonferenz Geriatrie (German)
11:00-12:30 DF11 Michael Teut (Moderation), Germany:
Interdisziplinäre Fallkonferenz Geriatrie mit R. Heinzler, E. Krüger, J. Wilkens
Specialist Discourses / Fachforen
Telemann-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 09:00-10:30 FF01 Dentistry I
09:00-09:15 Introduction / Einführung
09:15-09:45 FF01/01 Roland Schule, Germany:
Signatur in the cavum oris – Symptoms leading to an integral medicine: clinical situation in context to well-known remedies
09:45-10:15 FF01/02 Kavita Chandak, India:
Amazing role of natrum muriaticum in dental disorders
10:15-10:30 Discussion
Telemann-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 11:00-12:30 FF02 Dentistry II
11:00-11:45 FF02/01 Gloria Feighelstein, Brazil:
Oral surgical procedures, occurences and injuries
11:00-11:45 FF02/02 Gloria Feighelstein, Brazil:
The constitutions in the prophylactic treatment at a children dentistry clinic
  11:45-12:15  R08/02  Maria Elena Monterde, Mexico:
The efficacy of mercurius solubilis, a homeopathic medication, for the treatment of periodontal disease
Telemann-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 14:30-16:00 FF03 Veterinary Medicine I
14:30-15:00 FF03/01 Surjit Singh Makkar, India:
A study of chronic teat fibrosis in bovines treated with homeopathy
15:00-15:30 FF03/02 Surjit Singh Makkar, India:
Prevention and management of scabies in pets vis-a-vis human health
15:30-16:00 FF03/03 Stefan Kohlrausch, Spain:
Leishmaniosis, Symptoms and concepts of a homeopathic treatment in animals
Telemann-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 16:30-18:30 FF04 Veterinary Medicine II
16:30-17:00 FF04/01 Arlette Blanchy, Belgium:
Splenic hemangioma stable for several months with kalium bromatum and micro immunotherapy
17:00-17:30 FF04/02 Bala Krishna Dabbir, India:
Prevention of anthrax epidemic in sheep and goats with anthracinum 200
17:30-18:00 FF04/03 Edward De Beukelaer, United Kingdom
Two cases of cannabis indica with discussion of the remedy
18:00-18:30 FF04/04 Kamal Jindal, India:
Mastitis in livestock – homeopathy versus allopathy
Telemann-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 14:15-15:00 FF05 Pharmacy
14:15-14:40 FF05/01 Yatin Shah, Germany:
Plant derived glycoside Ouabain represents the active pharmaceutical ingredient of strophanthus gratus, a heart remedy from the homeopathic materia medica
 14:40-15:00  FF05/02  Susann Buchheim-Schmidt, Germany:
 Facts about 400 cases of reported adverse events (including deaths) linked to Homeopathic Teething Tablets
Cases & Case Management
Händel-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 08:45-10:15 CM04 Autoimmun Diseases
08:45-09:05 CM04/01 Johannes Fuchs, Germany:
Enteroviruses as the cause of a variety of chronic diseases
09:05-09:35 CM04/02 Ina Chammah, Germany / Gunter Schlegel, Germany:
The systemic disease autoimmune thyroiditis – interdisciplinary collaboration: Homeopathy – micro immunotherapy – orthomolecular therapy
09:35-09:55 CM04/03 William Brunelli, Brazil:
Equalization thyroid gland – outcome assessment
09:55-10:15 CM04/04 Pawan Pareek, India:
Homoeopathy in autoimmune disorders
Händel-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 10:45-12:15 CM05 Prescription Strategies
10:45-11:15 CM05/01 Frederik Schroyens, Belgium:
Integrating repertory and materia medica
11:15-11:45 CM05/02 Shashi Kant Tiwari, India:
Application of Boger’s methodology in dealing with acute, pathological and chronic cases
11:45-12:15 CM05/03 Stefan Kohlrausch, Spain:
Identifying series and stages of the periodic table easily and differenciating  symptoms in combined minerals for animal and human patients
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 14:30-16:00 CM01 Case management – Key Lecture
14:30-16:00 CM01 Carlos Néstor Cámpora, Argentina:
Learning mind rubrics from examples of clinical cured cases in videoclips
Lernen der Geistes- und Gemütsrubriken an Beispielen klinisch geheilter Fälle auf Videoclips
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 16:30-17:30 CM02 Psychatric Cases – Key Lecture
16:30-17:30 CM02 Ulrich Koch, Germany:
Contemporary homeopathic treatment of mental disorders in relation to actual conventional treatment
Zeitgemäße homöopathische Behandlung psychischer Störungen in Begegnung zur konventionellen Medizin
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 17:30-18:45 CM03 Psychiatric Cases / Psychiatrische Fälle
17:30-18:00 CM03/01 Sapna Gupta, India:
Role of homeopathy in the treatment of psychiatric disorders
Die Rolle der Homöopathie bei der Behandlung psychischer Erkrankungen
18:00-18:30 CM03/02 Marco Righetti, Switzerland:
Homoeopathy, psychiatric drugs and psychotherapy – a golden triangle or a disturbing interference only?
Homöopathie, Psychopharmaka, Psychotherapie – goldenes Dreieck oder nur störende Interferenzen?
18:30-18:45 CM03/03 Ingrid Pfanzelt, Germany:
Homeopathy and psychotherapy – an ideal relationship
Homöopathie und Psychotherapie – eine ideale Beziehung
Telemann-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 08:45-10:25 CM09 Special Diagnostic Methods
08:45-09:05 CM09/01 Gabriela Keller, Switzerland:
Case Taking explained by means of paraplegic patients with relapsing urinary tract disorders, showing only few homeopathically exploitable symptoms
09:05-09:25 CM09/02 Dietrich Wendling, Germany:
Myofascial dialog in homeopathic treatment of chronic myofascial pain
09:25-09:45 CM09/03 Vangelis Zafeiriou, Greece:
The „tree drawing test“ – a tool for gaining valuable information about the patient, his remedy and his progress thereafter
09:45-10:05 CM09/04 Dominique Fraefel, Switzerland:
Dynamic interactions between patients and pets in homeopathy
10:05-10:25 CM09/05 Herbert Pfeiffer, Germany:
Organon §4 and the improvement of the daily homoeopathic practice applying Primaristic®
Händel-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 14:00-15:30 CM12 Networking & Collaboration
14:00-14:30 CM12/01 Srinivasa Rao Nyapati, India:
Multi-disciplinary integration – the ideal solution?
14:30-15:00 CM12/02 Sai Ranga, India:
Homeopathic intercurrents – the key remedial answers in the treatment of ASD/ ADHD/ADD?
15:00-15:30 CM12/03 Ronko Itamura, Japan:
The process of curing severe cases by integrating homeopathy and Morita therapy
Telemann-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 15:00-15:45 CM10 Selected Cases
15:00-15:25 CM10/01 Purnima Shukla, India:
Homoeopathy showing a miracle in a case of phyllodes tumor
15:25-15:45 CM10/02 Luiz Stern, Brazil:
Study of calcareas based on Jan Scholten´s group analysis study
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 16:00-16:45 CM08 Treatment of Pneumonia – Key Lecture
16:00-16:45 CM08 André Saine, Canada:
Case management and clinical outcomes from the perspective of evidence-based medicine for homeopathic treatment of patients with pneumonia
Fallmanagement und klinische Ergebnisse aus der Perspektive der evidenzbasierten Medizin zur homöopathischen Behandlung von Patienten mit Pneumonie
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 18:00-18:45 CM07 Treatment of Sepsis – Key Lecture
18:00-18:45 CM07 Michael Frass, Austria:
Homeopathic treatment of septic patients
Homöopathische Behandlung septischer Patienten
Telemann-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 16:15-18:15 CM11 Miasm
16:15-16:45 CM11/01 Rene Torres, Mexico:
The transition of the miasms in a person´s life
16:45-17:15 CM11/02 Guy Loutan, Switzerland / Linda Arbour, Canada:
Collaborating in the purest Hahnemannian research, to prescribe, not due to a clinical diagnosis, but relating to the most profound similarity.
17:15-17:45 CM11/03 Simonne Fayeton, France:
A Plumbum case, prescription based on the problematic developed by Guy Loutan, in the egotrophic aspect
17:45-18:15 CM11/04 Claudio Araujo, Brazil:
Hannemann’s teachings on Psora – are they still valuable nowadays?
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 17.06.2017 09:00-10:30 CM13 Prescription Strategy I – Key Lecture
09:00-10:30 CM13 Linda Johnston / Frans Vermeulen, USA:
Precision in prescribing
Präzision bei der Verschreibung
Mahler-Saal (English) 17.06.2017 11:00-12:30 CM14 Prescription Strategy II – Key Lecture
11:00-12:30 CM14 Linda Johnston /  Frans Vermeulen, USA:
Precision in prescribing
Telemann-Saal (English) 17.06.2017 09:00-10:30 CM15 Difficult Cases I
09:00-09:20 CM15/01 Mahesh Pagadala, United Kingdom:
09:20-09:40 CM15/02 Muraleedharan K. Charan, India:
Impact of long term homeopathic treatment on disease progression in ART naive HIV patients – a case series
09:40-10:00 CM15/03 Sampath Suresh, India:
Efficacy of homeopathic medicine in treating acute abdomen, observed in a private homeopathic centre in India
 10:00-10:30  CM15/04  Jürgen Ivanis, Austria:
 THINK OUT OF THE BOX – Application of homeopathic remedias at intensive care patient (e.g. Usage of Acidum Arsenicosum C1.000.000)
Mahler-Saal (English) 17.06.2017 09:00-10:30 CM17 Special Cases
09:00-09:20 CM17/01 Ilya Tiraspolskiy, Russian Federation:
The method of the induced pathogenesis of a homeopathic remedy in the modern development of the Hahnemann´s theory of psora
09:20-09:40 CM17/02 Diana Rios, Brazil:
Clinical case of a child with Down syndrome, severe atopic dermatitis, chronic anemia, hypothyroidism and severe constipation treated with Graphites
09:40-10:00 CM17/03 Sunita Tomar, India:
Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)  – calcarea carbonica patient
10:00-10:15 CM17/04 Paulo Maldonado, Brazil:
What to do for a patient affected by allergic rhinitis?
10:15-10:30 CM17/05 Aleksandr Stoliarov, Russian Federation:
Hay fever – analysis of possibility of complete cure for diseases in children, e.g. hay fever treatment
Mahler-Saal (English) 17.06.2017 13:45-15:15 CM18 Q-Potencies
13:45-14:05 CM18/01 Raúl Gustavo Pirra, Argentina:
Clinical experience and efficacy of Q potency compared with the  centesimal scalein the same patiens (with videos of patients)
14:05-14:25 CM18/02 Sandra Scoccimarra, Argentina:
Q-potency: benefits to complete the treatment of centesimal – clinical case with video
14:25-14:45 CM18/03 Tanvir Hussain, India:
Hidden treasure of Organon  – LM potency
14:45-15:15 CM18/04 Irina Kuzmina, Russian Federation:
Case of homeopathic treatment of bullous pemphigoid in an old man
Telemann-Saal (English) 17.06.2017 14:00-15:30 CM16 Difficult Cases II
14:00-14:20 CM16/01 Nicoliene Potgieter Steiner, Switzerland/South Africa:
Unbelievable but true – a case of osteomyelitis healed by Ledum
14:20-14:50 CM16/02 Christian Schuldt, Germany:
Homeopathy in a child with „very severe aplastic anemia“
14:50-15:10 CM16/03 Anuradha Kallakuri, India:
A case of „rhinorrhea cerebrospinalis“
15:10-15:30 CM16/04 Pawan Pareek, India:
Homoeopathy in iatrogenic disorders – risk factors, treatment and prevention
Research in Provings/Cases/Plants
Mahler-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 09:00-10:30 PR01 Research in Provings/Cases/Plants I
09:00-09:45 PR01/01 Todd Hoover, United States:
Validating the clinical predictive value of homeopathic provings – a pilot study comparing retrospectively collected proving and clinical data
09:45-10:30 PR01/02 Reinhard Flick, Austria:
So-called placebo-symptoms in a homeopathic drug proving (HDP) – criteria of exclusion or inclusion? – A change of paradigm?
Mahler-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 14:30-16:00 PR02 Research in Provings/Cases/Plants II
14:30-15:00 PR02/01 Nicoliene Potgieter Steiner, Switzerland/South Africa
Martine Cachin Jus, Switzerland:
The proving of adonis vernalis and a case of advanced valvular aortic stenosis
15:00-15:30 PR02/02 Jean Pierre Jansen, Netherlands:
Symptom picture of homeopathic medicine Aspergillus ruber in healthy volunteers: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
15:30-16:00 PR02/03 Rosario Sánchez, Mexico:
Carcinosinum, a new and old experimentation
Mahler-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 16:30-17:15 PR03 Research in Provings/Cases/Plants III
16:30-17:15 PR03 Niurka Meneses Moreno, Switzerland:
Agrohomeopathy or agrochemicals?
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 17.06.2017 13:45-15:30 PR04 Cases in Research
13:45-14:30 PR04/01 Gunver Sophia Kienle, Germany:
The importance of case reports for modern medicine – cognition-based medicine and case reporting guidelines
Die Bedeutung von Fallberichten in der modernen Medizin – „Cognition-based Medicine“ und „Case reporting Guidelines“
14:40-15:30 PR04/03 Martin Dinges, Germany:
Networking in medical care: The patient’s perspective in the earlier years – the case of Bettine von Arnim, Berlin (1828 to 1859)
Vernetzung in der medizinischen Versorgung: Die Perspektive des Patienten in den früheren Jahren – der Fall Bettine von Arnim, Berlin (1828–1859)
Mahler-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 11:00-12:30 R01 Research I
11:00-11:30 R01/01 Lakshmanan Ganesh, India:
Asserting the anxiolytic effect of homeopathic medicines: Gelsemium sempervirens 30C and Argentum nitricum 30C using Zebrafish – a pilot study
11:30-11:50 R01/02 Sampath Suresh, India:
Pilot study on ultra high dilution of physostigma venenosum for accommodation error-myopia
11:50-12:10 R01/03 Anton Popov, Ukraine:
Homeopathic treatment of benign tumors of connective tissue
Mahler-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 17:15-17:45 R02 Research II
17:15-17:45 R02 E. S. Rajendran, India:
Homeopathy material science and individualized nanomedicine – Nanoparticle characterization of aurum metallicum 6C – CM and carbo vegetabilis 6C-CM
Mahler-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 08:45-09:15 R03 Research III
08:45-09:15 R03 Nandini Sharma, India:
Double blind randomized control study on the efficacy of homoeopathic medicine in obesity
Schumann-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 08:45-10:15 R04 Research IV
08:45-09:05 R04/01 Sandeep Kumar Mishra, India:
Treating urolithiasis with homoeopathy
09:25-09:55 R04/03 Kari Skrautvol, Norway:
Tolerance limits, self-understanding and stress resilience in the integrative recovery of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
09:55-10:15 R04/04 Susanne Pannek-Rademacher, Switzerland:
Homeopathic care of patients with spinal cord injury in Switzerland
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 10:45-12:15 R05 Review – Key Lecture
10:45-12:15 R05 Robert Mathie, United Kingdom:
Systematic review of randomised controlled trials of homeopathy
Systematische Überprüfung der randomisierten kontrollierten Studien zur Homöopathie
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 14:00-15:30 R06 Homeopathy Foundation / Homöopathie-Stiftung
14:00-15:30 R06 Werner Gieselmann, Germany:
The Homeopathy Foundation of the DZVhÄ
Die Homöopathie-Stiftung des DZVhÄ
Schumann-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 14:00-15:30 R08 Research VIII
14:00-14:20 R08/01 Aaron To, China:
Individualized homeopathic treatment in addition to conventional treatment in type II diabetic patients in Hong Kong – retrospective cohort study
14:20-14:40 R08/02 María Elena Monterde-Coronel, Mexico:
The efficacy of mercurius solubilis, a homeopathic medication, for the treatment of periodontal disease
14:40-15:00 R08/03 Rajat Chattopadhyay, India:
Molecular level correlation between probable homoeopathic medicines and bio-samples of patients
15:00-15:20 R08/04 Rachel Roberts, United Kingdom:
The Australian Report – the facts behind the headlines
Mahler-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 16:15-18:45 R07 Research VII
16:15-16:55 R07/01 Ameeta Raj Manchanda, India:
Homoeopathy in lichen planus: my experiences
16:55-17:15 R07/02 Sandeep Kumar Mishra, India:
Geriatrics and homoeopathy
17:15-17:35 R07/03 Amit Sahani, India:
Individualized homeopathy as an adjunct in the treatment of gout – a randomised placebo controlled trial
18:00-18:20 R07/05 Petra Klement, Germany:
Effectiveness of  homeopathic complex medicinal remedies in children with sleep disorders – results of randomized controlled trial
18:20-18:45 R07/06 Michael Teut, Germany:
Homeopathy in patients suffering from dementia – results of a retrospective case collection
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 17.06.2017 11:00-12:30 R09 Future Research / Künftige Forschung
11:00-11:30 R09/01 Jens Behnke, Germany:
Future directions of research in homeopathy – results of an expert meeting
Künftige Forschungsrichtungen in der Homöopathie – Ergebnisse eines Expertentreffens
11:30-12:00 R09/03 Alexander Tournier, United Kingdom:
Is homeopathy really that implausible?
Ist Homöopathie wirklich so unglaubwürdig?
12:00-12:30 R09/02 Katharina Gaertner, Switzerland:
First results of a new systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials of ultra-low doses and high dilutions
Erste Ergebnisse einer neuen systematischen Übersicht mit Meta-Analyse kontrollierter, klinischer Studien mit potenzierten Arzneien
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 17.06.2017 14:00-15:30 R10 Basic Research – Key Lecture
14:00-15:30 R10 Stephan Baumgartner, Germany:
Are standard scientific laboratory methods able to investigate the effects of high homeopathic potencies?
Ist die Wirkung homöopathischer Hochpotenzen durch konventionelle wissenschaftliche Labormethoden zu erfassen?
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 14.06.2017 17:00-18:30 Opening Lecture / Eröffnungsvortrag
17:00-18:30 Robert Jütte, Germany:
Medical pluralism – what history can tell us
Medizinischer Pluralismus – was wir aus der Geschichte lernen können
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 15.06.2017 18:00-18:45 H01 History / Medizingeschichte
18:00-18:45 H01 Carl Rudolf Klinkenberg, Germany:
Rediscovered: Hahnemann’s life in Paris
Wiederentdeckt: Hahnemanns Leben in Paris
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 17.06.2017 13:45-15:30 PR04 Cases in Research
15:00-15:30 PR04/03 Martin Dinges, Germany:
Networking in medical care: The patient’s perspective in the earlier years – the case of Bettine von Arnim, Berlin (1828 to 1859)
Vernetzung in der medizinischen Versorgung: Die Perspektive des Patienten in den früheren Jahren – der Fall Bettine von Arnim, Berlin (1828–1859)
Händel-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 14:15-15:45 T01 Teaching I
14:15-14:40 T01/01 Billa Satya Mohan, India:
Practice management in homoeopathy: A post graduate training module – for better health care delivery, practice and appreciation
14:40-15:20 T01/02 Zoya Joao, India:
A vision 2020 for homoeopathic education in India
Händel-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 16:15-18:45 T02 Teaching II
16:15-16:55 T02/01 Karoline Kretzdorn, Germany / Sigrid Kruse, Germany:
Didactics in teaching homeopathy
17:20-18:00 T02/03 Franziska Bläuer, Switzerland:
Coordination of the education in homeopathy for doctors to meet the challenge of future generations – the new Swiss Academy
18:00-18:35 T02/04 Leonid Kosmodemyanskiy, Russian Federation:
The relevance of specialization for homeopathy in Russia
Händel-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 08:45-10:15 T03 Teaching III
08:45-10:15 T03 Heiner Frei, Switzerland:
Proposal for a new way to teach homeopathy
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 09:30-10:15 T05 Teaching – Key Lecture
09:30-10:15 T05 Josef M. Schmidt, Germany:
Homeopathy between polyperspective prosperty and the threat of monistic reductionism
Homöopathie zwischen polyperspektivischer Prosperität und der Gefahr eines monistischen Reduktionismus
Händel-Saal (English) 16.06.2017 16:00-17:30 T04 Teaching IV
16:00-16:30 T04/01 Margarida Haddad, Brazil:
Teaching palliative care to homeopaths – an essential necessity in Brazil
16:30-17:00 T04/02 Manoj Patel, India:
Competence based education in homoeopathic psychiatry
17:00-17:30 T04/03 Mridul Kumar Sahani, India:
Homeopathy in the field of teaching (homeopathy at universities) – Need for postgraduate education in homoeopathy
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 14.06.2017 17:00-18:30 Opening Lecture / Eröffnungsvortrag
17:00-18:30 Robert Jütte, Germany:
Medical pluralism – what history can tell us
Medizinischer Pluralismus – was wir aus der Geschichte lernen können
Mahler-Saal (English) 15.06.2017 17:45-18:30 Politics01 Plausible Homeopathy
17:45-18:30 Politics01 Friedrich Dellmour, Austria:
Plausible homeopathy
Weißer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 09:30-10:15 T05 Teaching – Key Lecture
09:30-10:15 T05 Josef M. Schmidt, Germany:
Homeopathy between polyperspective prosperty and the threat of monistic reductionism
Homöopathie zwischen polyperspektivischer Prosperität und der Gefahr eines monistischen Reduktionismus
Großer Saal (English/Deutsch) 16.06.2017 16:15-18:00 Politics02 Politics / Politik
16:15-18:00 Politics02 Albrecht Kloepfer, Germany:
Panel discussion: Medical Pluralism – Methodological challenge and medical care reality
Medizinischer Pluralismus – Methodische Herausforderung und Versorgungsrealität

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