Dr Hélène Renoux

President of the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH)

Dear colleagues

As President of the European Committee for Homeopathy I am very proud that our continent is hosting the next LMHI congress this spring in Leipzig.

European homeopathic doctors will warmly welcome our colleagues coming from all over the world to share their knowledge and research about the homeopathic Art of Healing.

Our german colleagues have prepared an exciting programme, combining glances of our glorious past and overviews of our promising future. The major current health issues will be addressed  from the homeopathic viewpoint, proving that Homeopathy is a relevant answer to all these various challenges : severe infectious diseases, severe behavioural disorders such as autism or aspergers syndrome, epidemics and palliative oncological emergencies to mention just a few.

Research will be addressed with key speakers in the field covering clinical research, meta-analyses and also recent  advances in the field of action of high potencies.

Aiming to give inspiration about how Homeopathy can be successfully integrated into the global health system, this congress seems to be an excellent opportunity for all of us to share our knowledge and efforts for the sake of a promising and integrated medical homeopathic future.

Looking forward to meeting all of you in Leipzig this spring.

Dr Hélène Renoux
President of ECH

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