Vita |
Dipl.Ing.agr.,bmIavh, mECH, HP |
Born 02. 05.1959, Stuttgart |
1981 – 1985 | Study of Agriculture, TU – Weihenstephan, Freising, Dipl.Ing,agr |
1986 | Pregnancy diagnosis (EIA) with Estronsulfate in milk of sheep |
1986 – 1991 | Study of Veterinary Medicine, LMU Munich, DVM |
1991 | Dissertation: Keeping Conditions of Big Humanapes in 20 European Zoo`s |
1986-1987 | doctors A-B-C courses for Specialists in Homeopathy in Munich, (DZVhÄ) |
1988-1992 | Specialisation courses in Germany by Aude Sapere |
1991 | opening of homeopathic clinic for pets and horses in Freising, Germany |
1997 – 2015 | teacher in acknowledged Specialisation for Homeopathy for doctors/vets |
1999 | Accreditation for further training in homeopathy for vets |
2001 – 2006 | Organisation of Courses in acknowledged Specialisation Homeopathy for vets |
2005 | board member in IAVH: Coordinator Subcommittee Education of IAVH |
2005 | nomination as Teacher & Examiner IAVH |
2006 -2015 | international Seminars, Papers, Poster (LIGA) worldwide |
publications in var. Magacines, Boocks, Repertory | |
2014 | moved to Spain, accepted as a vet in Spain |
since 2014 | Pet Vet Clinic La Herradura |
Since 2016 | Vienna, Member Scientific Committee |
Teaching (since 1994)
Vet.Specialisation Courses (ATF/ZÄN) (1996-2008) Zentralverein der Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren (ZÄN) Kongress Nr. 101 – 115(2001-2008) Liga Medicorum Homöopatica Internartionalis 2003, Austria (LMHI 58),Vet.Satelite Liga Medicorum Homöopatica Internartionalis 2004, Buenos Aires (LMHI 59) Vet.Satelite Liga Medicorum Homöopatica Internartionalis 2005, Berlin (LMHI 60) Vet.Satelite Liga Medicorum Homöopatica Internationalis 2008, Ostende (LMHI 63) Vet Satelite Seminar: Materia Medica & Indian Homeopathy II, Bukarest, Romania Third International Conference of Veterinary Homeopathy, St.Petersburg, Russia,12.2005 GGTM Kongress, Acute plant remedies & Miasm in vet.hom., Germany 2006 Liga Medicorum Homöopatica Internartionalis 2006, Switzerland (LMHI 61) Vet.Satelite Fourth International Conference of Veterinary Homeopathy, St.Petersburg, Russia, 2006 Animal Energy 9, BAHVS – Congress, Bird remedies 2007 Liga Medicorum Homöopatica Internartionalis 2008, Belgium (LMHI 63) Vet.Satelite MM & Theory seminars for doctors & vets in Romania, Slovenia , Hungary 2005-2014 MM Seminar Animal Families Bukarest, Romania 3/2010 Animal Energy 11, BAVHS Congress, Sankarans methods in Vet.homeopathy, 6/2010 Teaching about homeopathic treatment of horses in Cordoba , Spain 5/2013 MM Seminar on animal remedies in Latvia 2014, MM + various topics Slovenia 2015, Periodic table Spain, 7/2015, BAHVS Conference Dublin 9/2015, Iavh Seminar Netherlands, Leishmaniosis 9/2015 various topics Slovenia 11/2015, Education vets homeopathy Slovenia, 3 times a year since 11/2015 OMV Conference, Portugal various topics 12/2015 ECH Confere
Teachers Sankaran, Vermeulen, Vithoulkas, K.J.Müller, Geukens, Jus, Rohrer, Wilhelmer, Springer, Gawlik, v. Planitz, Faust, Shore, Rhigetti, Special interests proving (supervision of 30 provings, PC, unknown or small remedies) |
Books: |
7 Schmetterlinge (Karl-Josef Müller, Nandita Shah, Nancy Herrik, Stefan Kohlrausch) |
Materia Medica Veterinaria (Jacques Millemann, Stefan Kohlrausch et al) | |
Articles: | Homöopathie Zeitschrift, Gauting (5 papers from 1998-2001) |
Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin ZGTM, Deutschland (3 papers) | |
Dynamis, France (2 papers) | |
Homeopaty, Greek (3 papers) | |
BAHVS, regularly articles since 2010 |
Posters | Graz, LMHI 58: | Prooving: Banana Spider – phoneutria fera |
Buenos Aires, LMHI 59: | Prooving: Greek tortoise – testudo hermannii | |
Contact: E-Mail: |