Meetings of the LMHI

Executive Committee Meeting

Monday, 12-06-2017, 9:00 h – 19:00 h

Venue: European Library for Homeopathy (Europäische Bibliothek für Homöopathie), Wallstraße 48, 06366 Köthen


International Council Meeting

Tuesday, 13-06-2017, 10:30 h– 20:30 h

Venue: European Library for Homeopathy (Europäische Bibliothek für Homöopathie), Wallstraße 48, 06366 Köthen


We invite all participants of the Executive Committee Meeting and the International Council Meeting for a guided city tour “On Hahnemann’s Trails in Köthen” on Tuesday morning, 13-06-2017, from 9:00 h to 10:30 h.

A special hotel contingent has been reserved for the participants of the meetings in Köthen at “Hotel Anhalt”, Ludwigstraße 53, 06366 Köthen,, E-Mail: Please book your accommodation individually by using the reference: „LMHI Leipzig“.

Transfer to Leipzig:

On Wednesday afternoon (14-06-2017), there will be a bus shuttle from Köthen to the congress venue in Leipzig for all participants of the EC and IC meetings. The bus will depart from “Hotel Anhalt”, Ludwigstraße 53, 06366 Köthen, on Wednesday morning (14-06-2017) at 9:00 h.


Working Groups

  • Research and Provings
  • Pharmacy
  • Education
  • Public Relations

Wednesday, 14-06-2017, 11:00 h – 15:00 h

Venue: Congress Hall at the Zoo (Kongresshalle am Zoo), Pfaffendorfer Straße 31, 04105 Leipzig

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