Dr. Rajkumar Manchanda (India): Homoeopathy in epidemics – Building up evidence

Homeopathy was considered a viable option for management of epidemics, before vaccinations took over as a means of prevention. However, with the development of newer and resistant strains of microorganisms, high costs for vaccine development on the one hand, and the distinct advantages of easy making, storage and higher safety level of homeopathy on the other hand, homeopathy is once again becoming a relevant and explorable field for epidemics. However, building evidence for scientifically establishing its usage is challenging and requires robust pre-clinical and clinical researches.

The Council has undertaken many, quasi, experimental studies including Japanese encephalitis (1992), Dengue (1996 & 2015), malaria (1996), filariasis (2004), amoebic dysentery (2005), Influenza Like Illness (2009 & 2015), Chikungunya (2014) and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) (2015). More recently, in vitro studies of Japanese encephalitis and a comparative cohort study on patients with thrombocytopenia, with or without fever, during the dengue epidemic of 2015, have been launched, with focus on contemporary methods and designs. Council has also initiated preventive trials for dengue, malaria and AES in 2016. The experiences and the outcome hereof will be briefly discussed.

Homeopathy could play a significant role in both prevention and control of epidemic diseases having no vaccine and/or limited treatment such as for Dengue/AES. There is a need to develop specific homeopathy protocols for preclinical, clinical and preventive studies for a uniform approach and wider application.

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